Learning and Development
The sustainability of any organization and its ability to secure its place on the global front would depend on its ability to put into action the conclusions drawn on the application of the Learning and Development (L&D) stratagem. A conduit to upping this value would primarily be the identification and subsequent tackling of the skill gap in a particular area of interest.
Skillwise Consulting has identified the significance of this L&D Strategy to be crucial for the exponential growth of any firm. Therefore, Skillwise has directed its focus at imparting training to individuals with the sole focus of honing their skills towards efficient planning, innovative designing and effective delivery of a constructive and successful performance evaluation and refinement plan. Strategic planning is a crucial component that has to be looked into besides the adroitness to orchestrate, marshal, mentor/coach , upskill all individuals in a firm with the cutting edge technology available for in-depth exploration and analysis of the findings. Transformational leadership is an essential for harnessing and translating the existing potential of the workplace.
Keeping these vital features as the fulcrum, Skillwise Consulting offers well- structured modules that will effectively churn out individuals adept at working towards performance enhancement with the core competency to create a blueprint and assess activities that supplement Learning and Development in addition to the spicing up the proficiency to outline strategies based on the scenarios presented to them by adapting themselves with a positive outlook.
The growth index of any organization is dependent on its propensity to confront, transform and approach issues in a distinctly novel manner inspiring the employees to fall in line and increase their output. Specific workshops and training modules are also available that inculcate principles of Team Motivation, effective leadership, assessment training, etc. These variegated capsules are steps in the right direction to exponentially increase the value index of any organization on a global platform.
Skillwise Learning and Development Training Modules fall within the following purview:
Honing Invigorating Leadership by
- Tweaking the leadership qualities.
- Deliberating and cerebrating to nurture the imaginative and innovative component besides keeping an open track to suggestions.
- Entrusting challenging case studies and scenarios to analyse and evaluate the leader’s response to it.
- Infusing the element of healthy working relationship that is key to the execution of a derived strategy.
- Calibre to identify the pressing needs to be addressed on a priority basis.
Modes of Strategic Planning Training
Scheme for Increasing Productivity
Assessment and Evaluation
To break down the monotony of gruelling time consuming manual evaluation techniques. Skillwise employs EzeeAssess taking Assessment to whole new dimension making assessment and evaluation highly reliable, speedy, simplified besides incorporating a software that enables 99-inter-convertible languages making it globally accessible besides being fairly priced.
Learning and Development strategies can therefore grow by leaps and bounds adapting all the technical gizmos available besides using E- learning as an additional tool. Access to E- learning is an authentic and validated too giving L&D strategies accessibility whenever required without disrupting work hours.
In addition to this, the Flexible time schedules make the teaching and learning process conducible in addition to numerous access points. Exposure to the knowledge transfer from top notch professionals increases the diversity and complexity of information acquired. This mode of learning is personalized drawing a larger audience. The adaptability of the e-learning experience makes it a popular option besides elimination of gruesome administrative processes.
The Future of Learning and Development
Learning and from it subsequent development is the innovative sector of Talent management. While talent management has grown to propel stellar accomplishments, sustainable organizations goals infused with up-to date technological innovations and social collaboration has caused Learning to expand exponentially.
However, it is the decision making process in an organization that needs to step up to improve the learning process and invest in it with long-term goals on agenda. Progression of Learning and Development is facilitated by tapping the functionalities offered by the social learning tools like Edmodo, EduBlogs, MindMeister, Wikispaces, Moodle, Sharepoint, etc., This ensures knowledge transfer among and within departments and across teams bringing in the concept of social community. Organizations can also introduce aspects of adaptive learning which is now being favoured in educational sector.
The Learning and Development enhances the quality index of a firm by fine tuning the it’s ability to monitor the Effectiveness of metrics that are already in place further analyzing the need to reform or further elevate them to align them with the business objectives of the future.
Another feature that will definitely enhance the L&D strategy is the formulation of a Personalized Development Plan which incorporates the learning objectives that need to be prioritized. The plan is then reviewed by the instructor or the trainer for any gaps and a solution is drawn to bridge the gap. Review of this plan and evaluation of the status of accomplishment of set objectives would be vital for the completed and successful discharge of the drawn up plan. Skillwise’s raining programs help individuals to set an object oriented plan with measurable timelines and socially viable applications.
The L&D strategy is the litmus that determines the performance index of any firm/organization-business or educational. This is ensured only when the training acquired from the Trainer is translated and implemented within the organization. The umbrella of the Learning and Development recruits Coaches, Facilitators, Human Performance Technologists, Human Resource Specialists, Organization Development Practitioners, Performance Consultants, Corporate trainers, etc., to successfully carry out this mandate.
Skillwise has been constantly surveying the market to identify the needs within the organizational setup and aims at addressing the specialized issues faced by various organizations that can be rectified and set straight through the adaptation of a conducive and relevant component of the Learning and Development strategy. The training imparted tackles various levels of an organization starting at the personal level, moving to team, supervisory level, management and headship levels. The starry feature of our training is that it is learner centric and not trainer centric.
Delivery while training is essential to command high levels of participation, realization of training outcomes and the retention of the competencies imbibed. The complete spectrum of training modules at Skillwise aims at delivering superior knowledge transfer that would that translate to superfluous sustained performance bringing in distinct financial returns and securing a cutting edge advantage for any firm or venture. The destiny of Learning and Development lies in the transition of domain specific training to cross-functional communication in socio-technical coordination.